Of all individuals who seek treatment for alcohol and other drug use disorders (i.e., substance use disorder), 7% are adolescents between 12 and 17 years old.

For these youngest treatment seekers, relapse rates are high, with estimates from different studies suggesting 55-90% drink or use other drugs within the first year after completing treatment.

From a developmental perspective, adolescents have unique clinical qualities that make them different from young and older adults in terms of the nature of their substance use problems, and the different factors that influence these problems positively and negatively.

The Bridge, Inc.



Bradford Health


386 St. Luke's Drive

Montgomery, AL 36117

Montgomery Area Mental Health Authority, Inc.

Montgomery, AL 36107


(334)279-7830 (Available 24 hours)

(334)271-2855 (Deaf-interpreter TTV and Voice)

Aletheia House, Outpatient Treatment

1153 Air Base Boulevard

Montgomery, AL 36108



COSA Teen Programs