• The American Council for Drug Education offers an extensive library of substance abuse education and prevention information for kids and adults, as well as a resource list of prevention materials and videos. http://www.acde.org
    • Close to Home Online presents information on the science of understanding and treating addiction. The site features real-life stories of people who talk about their struggles with the disease of addiction and their lives in recovery, editorials debating controversial policy issues, downloadable educational guides, a discussion forum, information on where to get help, and more.  http://www.wnet.org/closetohome
    • Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) is a meeting place for individuals and organizations looking for information on current substance abuse policy and public affairs.  http://www.cadca.org
    • The Center for Prevention Research provides research on the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors as they relate to the initiation and continuation of drug use and abuse. The site also provides hot links to other drug prevention organizations. http://www.uky.edu/RGS/PreventionResearch
    • The Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research (CEDAR) is a NIDA-funded, multidisciplinary research center whose mission is to elucidate the biological, behavioral and environmental components of the variation in the liability to drug use disorders within a developmental framework.  http://www.pitt.edu/~mmv/cedar.html
    • HealthAtoZ offers a comprehensive search engine for health and medicine topics. http://www.healthatoz.com
    • Internet Mental Health offers an encyclopedia of mental health knowledge, including information and publications on disorders, diagnosis, treatment, medications, etc.  http://www.mentalhealth.com
    • Join Together Online is a resource center and meeting place for communities working to reduce the harms associated with the use of illicit drugs, excessive alcohol and tobacco. The site contains current public policy issues, a special monthly action calendar, funding news, hot news issues, a library of information and the Join Together newsletter. http://www.jointogether.org
    • Life Education International is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of drug abuse, violence and AIDS. The site offers a drug search index, prevention information, signs and symptoms of use and effects. http://www.lec.org
    • The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) Web site is a resource for addiction and substance abuse. It provides information, research and commentary on tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse issues including prevention, treatment and cost data. A new feature allows visitors to submit their personal stories for posting on the site. http://www.casacolumbia.org
    • The National Council on Alcoholisn & Drug Dependency (NCADD) serves as a clearinghouse for substance abuse information. NCADD has an extensive resource and reference guide, awareness activities list, information for children and adults on various substance issues and an “800” number for individuals looking for affiliate referrals. http://www.ncadd.org
    • National Families in Action Online features action alerts, hot issues info, critical events, newsletter articles, drug information and a catalog of prevention resources. The site also contains an “Ask the Experts” link which allows viewers to ask drug questions which are answered by medical personnel every Tuesday. http://www.emory.edu/NFIA/
    • The Partnership for a Drug-Free America (PDFA) site includes an extensive list of current drugs of abuse, their street names, their effects and resources for identifying and preventing abuse. http://www.drugfreeamerica.org
    • The Partnership for a Drug-Free Community (Huntsville, Alabama) is a private, non-profit organization committed to the prevention of youth alcohol/drug abuse through the process of awareness, education, and action. A major emphasis is to build coalitions in order to mobilize the entire community to stop the demand for drugs. http://fly.hiwaay.net/~partner/
    • Project VisionQuest is a drug information clearinghouse based in Kansas City. The group offers a chat room for drug discussions and questions and answers for individuals requiring drug information. http://www.pvq.net
    • The Recovery Network is a site maintained by a national cable TV channel which serves the public with drug and alcohol information and a 24-hour helpline. http://www.recoverynetwork.com
    • Right2know online provides resource information on numerous drugs and frequently asked questions regarding the substances. The group also offers a library of drug prevention information, substance abuse literature and a list of 24-hour treatment referral numbers. http://www.right2know.com
    • The Virginia Addiction Technology Transfer Center (VATTC), a CSAT center, provides resource information for addiction treatment practitioners, state and local human service agencies, criminal justice agencies, and higher education institutions nationwide. http://views.vcu.edu/vattc
    • The Web of Addictions provides a wide range of addiction information. The site includes substance abuse facts, a rolodex of addiction resources, conference listings for professionals and contacts for viewers seeking information. http://www.well.com/user/woa
    • Healthline’s Addiction Information Resource offers information on a variety of topics such as treatment options, hotlines and various forms of support to aid anyone seeking help for themselves or others. http://www.healthline.com/health/addiction
    • Drug Rehab Connections provides unbiased information reviewed by medical experts to help individuals make informed decisions on the next steps in their, or a loved one’s, drug rehabilitation journey. https://www.drugrehabconnections.com