- The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence is a volunteer health organization providing education, information, help and hope. www.ncadd.org
- The Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Council of Orange County site offers comprehensive information and education services for the Orange County area in New York. http://www.frontiernet.net/~adac
- The Koch Crime Commission is a Kansas-based organization with violence and drug prevention resources, including a new inhalant video that is available free to groups within Kansas. http://www.kci.org
- The Indiana Prevention Resource Center is a statewide clearinghouse for prevention technical assistance and information about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The site offers current Indiana and national statistics, drug information, a news calendar, legislative updates, resource information and a search engine. http://www.drugs.indiana.edu
- The National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence – New Jersey site provides information on training, substance abuse news, policy decisions, events and lists of county affiliates that provide prevention information and treatment referrals. http://members.aol.com/ncaddnj/
- The New York Office of Alcohol & Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) web site provides information on services available for alcohol and drug treatment in New York, counselor licensing and training information, current publications, links to other drug information resources, etc. https://www.oasas.ny.gov
- The Ohio Prevention and Education Resource Center (OPERC) is a resource center for Ohio residents which provides trainings, materials and technical assistance on a variety of topics, including inhalants, alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and violence prevention. http://www.uc.edu/www/operc/
- The Texas Commission on Alcohol & Drug Abuse site offers drug prevention information, publications and resources published by the organization and an information resource library. The July issue of the newsletter New View also features an article on inhalant use. http://www.tcada.state.tx.us
- The Addiction Center a comprehensive addiction information hub, providing guidance to the dangers of abusing alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription drugs and more and reviewing treatment centers to help individuals find the one that gives you or your loved one the best chance at a successful recovery. http://www.addictioncenter.com.
- National Council on Seniors Drug & Alcohol Rehab is an information source dedicated to educating and providing assistance to seniors struggling addiction as well as caregivers and family members with concerns. Their primary objective is to effectively halt the growing silent epidemic of senior addiction. https://rehabnet.com/about-us/
- The University of Illinois at Chicago’s Online Master of Science in Health Informatics degree program created an online resource that shows the detrimental effect and devastating impact excessive drinking and binge drinking has on public safety. The Harms of Excessive Drinking
- Online Counseling Programs is a free site that has valuable information through their blog series on Mental Health and Substance Abuse and their Mental Health and Education Resources for Kids and Teens, Counselor Tool Kits and more. https://onlinecounselingprograms.com/
- Resources for Alcoholics and Problem Drinkers is an online comprehensive resource guide to getting help and understanding the disease of alcoholism.Whatever questions you have about this disease and its treatment and societal costs, you will find here. https://alcoholaddictioncenter.org/alcoholism-resources/
- Help.org exists to empower people with all the resources and tools they need to start or continue on their journey of recovery. Addiction presents unique challenges for everyone, but with the help and support of other people, anyone can overcome. https://help.org
- Drugs you get from a doctor should always be taken as directed. Never more at one time. Never shared. What’s prescribed for you is for you—your symptoms, your weight, and your family history. If you take pills that don’t have your name on the label, you’re taking a serious risk. https://mysmartdose.com
- Approximately 2 million U.S. teens between the ages of 12 and 17 currently qualify as needing help for a substance problem. Tragically, less than 10% get the help they need. The Recovery Village is an online resource dedicated to helping those struggling with substance abuse and co-occurring disorders into recovery. https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/teen-addiction/
- Recovery Centers of America is an online guide that lists a number of drugs that are commonly abused, and includes the drug’s history, how each drug is abused, warning signs of abuse, and treatment options. https://recoverycentersofamerica.com/addiction/drug-guide/
- The decision to become an addiction counselor is not one to take lightly and you will need to take the proper steps towards that goal. Visit https://addiction-counselor.org/steps-to-become/ to learn more on the steps you need to take to become an addictions counselor.
- “10 Medications You Shouldn’t Mix With Alcohol” is a guide that provides useful information about what medications should not be taken while consuming alcohol and the side effects they can cause. Learn more at https://goodrx.com/blog/10-medications-you-shouldnt-mix-with-alcohol/.