- The Consumer Product Safety Commission is the federal agency responsible for product safety and recall information. The site also lists current safety brochures, including the new “A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Inhalant Abuse.” http://www.cpsc.gov/
- The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information distributes information on prevention, treatment, statistics, current events and conferences through PREVLINE, a large on-line database of alcohol and substance abuse resources. http://www.health.org
- The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health, is the federal agency responsible for drug abuse and prevention research. The NIDA web site hosts research and funding information, recent publications and statistics, drug information, workshop info and much more. http://www.nida.nih.gov
- Search the Office of National Drug Control Policy Justice Information Center for up-to-date research and news and statistics on corrections, courts, crime prevention, law enforcements, victims, juvenile and drug resources. http://www.ncjrs.org
- Drug Dangers was developed to educate the public and lend a hand to people who have been affected by defective drugs and medical devices. The goal at Drug Dangers is to keep the public educated and informed of all defective medical devices and dangerous medications that are currently available on the market today. http://www.drugdangers.com
- Mattress Awareness has been researching the reported rates of sleep disorders in alcoholics in active addiction and recovery. Their findings conclude that many alcoholics are not prepared for dealing with insomnia during and after detox. https://www.mattressreviews.net/alcohol-detox-sleep/
- Sleep Help is devoted to spreading awareness of sleep health and wellness. Many addicts in recovery may experience sleep problems like insomnia and fatigue. Sleep Help created extensive written guides examining how to manage these issues without returning to substance abuse or resorting to habit-forming sedatives to get to sleep. https://www.sleephelp.org/addiction-and-sleep/
- Mattress Help put together an in-depth resource on addiction and recovery and their affects on sleep. https://mattresshelp.org/addiction-sleep/